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Friday, November 11, 2016

Looking back in photographs: How citizens protested, in streets and through art against the bad governance and parallel state in Nepal

I address the '10,00 March' rally in Baneshwar Chowk, Kathmandu on July 23, 2016
The '10,000 March'
More glimpses of the '10,000 March' 
Dozens of MPs interact with Dr KC (speaking, second from right) in the second interaction of this type, on August 16, at Indreni, Baneshwar

Below, for the first time in Nepal, dozens of MPs and top leaders interact in a citizen-organized event aimed at holding a chief of constitutional body accountable for his deeds, same venue. 

The placard speaks for itself

A town hall meeting in Chitwan, first in a series outside Kathmandu on August 15.

Protesters carry the symbolic dead body of a poor patient who died in the remote place of Nepal due to lack of health care
Many faces in the protest: teachers, entrepreneurs, journalists, human rights activists, students, doctors and so on 
In streets: Writer Khagendra Sangroula, Sociologist and eminent writer Chaitanya Mishra, legendary lawyer Om Aryal, actor Bhola Raj Sapkota, Dr. Govinda KC, Professor Kapil Shrestha, artists performing in the streets, among others.
Surendra Chaudhary, Nepal's sitting MP, addresses the protestors
Dr. KC Marches with the protesters in Baneswar

Street performance depicting the brutal rule by 'Parallel state' in Nepal
Medical students protest silently against the assault in Medical education and health sector by the politicians and CIAA chief and demanding the fulfillment of Dr. KC's demands
Dr. KC in the press meet to announce his hunger strike
Dr. KC addresses media-person in a street protest at Baluwatar

Nepal's former Prime Minister KP Oli listens intently as a protester reads him a letter from 'Solidarity for Dr KC Alliance' exhorting him to act against Lokman Singh Karki
Students and civilians protest silently in the rain in Baneswar.

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विजय कुमारको खुशी पढेपछि

जीवन, खुशी अहंकार

जीवनमा अफ्ठ्यारा घुम्तीहरुमा हिंडिरहँदा मैले कुनै क्षणमा पलायनलाई एउटा विकल्पको रुपमा कल्पना गरेको थिएँ, त्यसलाई यथार्थमा बदल्ने आँट गरिनँ, त्यो बेग्लै कुरा हो त्यसबेला लाग्थ्योः मेरा समग्र दुखहरुको कारण मेरो वरपरको वातावरण हो, यसबाट साहसपूर्वक बाहिरिएँ भने नयाँ दुख आउलान् तर तत्क्षणका दुरुह दुखहरु गायब भएर जानेछन् कति गलत थिएँ !

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Why I write...

I do not know why I often tend to view people rather grimly: they usually are not as benevolent, well-intentioned and capable or strong as they appear to be. This assumption is founded on my own self-assessment, though I don’t have a clue as to whether it is justifiable to generalize an observation made in one individual. This being the fact, my views of writers as ‘capable’ people are not that encouraging: I tend to see them as people who intend to create really great and world-changing writings but most of the times end up producing parochial pieces. Also, given the fact that the society where we grow and learn is full of dishonesty, treachery, deceit and above else, mundanity, it is rather unrealistic to expect an entirely reinvigorating work of writing from every other person who scribbles words in paper.

On life's challenges

Somebody has said: “I was born intelligent but education ruined me”. I was born a mere child, as everyone is, and grew up as an ordinary teenager eventually landing up in youth and then adulthood. The extent to which formal education helped me to learn about the world may be debatable but it definitely did not ruin me. There were, however, things that nearly ruined me. There came moments when I contemplated some difficult choices. And there came and passed periods when I underwent through an apparently everlasting spell of agony. There came bends in life from which it was very tempting to move straight ahead instead of following the zigzag course.

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